A bit about us
The Anglican Community of St Mark
We aim to help build hope-filled churches in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. We will endeavour to follow our calling to be a people of WORD and SPIRIT, discerning what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church and responding in all humility.
ACM was established in 2019 as a national network of Anglican Christians that seek to teach and practice traditional orthodox bible-based Christianity. We seek to call all to repent and believe the good news of Jesus Christ. Our aim is to breathe a spirit of grace-filled optimism into the Church and equip one another for today’s gospel challenges.
Four-Fold Mission Statement
ACM embraces the four-fold mission statement contained within the Constitution of the ACANZP. Namely:
proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ
teaching, baptizing and nurturing believers
teach, baptizing and nurturing believers within eucharistic communities of faith
responding to human need by loving service
establishing the values of the Kingdom
seeking to transform unjust structures of society, caring for God’s creation, and establishing the values of the Kingdom
What We Believe
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When you join ACM you are joining with us in saying yes to gospel-transformed churches and yes to see the wider Church to return to conservative biblical obedience.
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