Join The Anglican Community of St Mark

When you join ACM you are joining with us in saying yes to gospel-transformed churches and yes to see the wider Church to return to conservative biblical obedience. Through this you are expressing your desire to be an active part of a movement for change for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia and beyond.

Belonging to ACM provides individuals and parishes with the support, encouragement and guidance of like-minded believers. ACM offers a safe haven for individuals whose theological views are at odds with wider parish, or Provincial views.

There are two ways of joining:
Individual Membership

Just fill in the form and submit it online, or email a copy to

Individual Members will receive:

  • entitlement to attend and vote at our Annual Convocation
  • discount on any ACM events
  • invitations to local ACM events and gatherings
  • our enewsletter to keep you up to date with news, conferences and any community developments and matters for prayer.
Parish Ministry Unit Affiliation

You will need to hold a Special General Meeting and pass a Motion to join ACM as a Parish by a majority of at least 65% (contact us for further details).

Parish Ministry Units will:

  • join a strong network of parishes celebrating their theological tradition, promoting unity and expressing missional desire with integrity
  • enjoy protection of the parish’s theological heritage at the time of changing leadership
  • receive support from ACM Leadership team
  • access external episcopal advocacy should that be required
  • have entitlement for equal numbers of clergy and laity to attend our Annual Convocation
  • access an alternative pathway and training for those seeking ordination
    have entitlement for Vestry members to sign an amended Declaration of Adherence and Submission
  • receive enewsletter to keep you up to date with news, conferences and any community developments and matters for prayer

Click the button below to download the pdf form.


We ask for a voluntary donation to enable the Community to cover its costs

Individual Membership – entirely voluntary.

Parish Membership – we ask that each Vestry consider an annual donation that would be appropriate for the size of your Parish.

Bank Details
ACM is an Incorporated Society (not a registered charity) so no personal tax rebate is available at this time.
We would appreciate donations being notified by email to our Treasurer  so they can be properly recorded.
ACM very much appreciates your support – thank you.

“Being a part of the Anglican Community of St. Mark is a wonderful encouragement to our parish. Membership encourages us to grow in our participation in the mission of God, to rejoice and thrive under the blessing and authority of God’s word, and to support and be supported by a strong, loving community of Jesus followers from across the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia.”

— Rev. Dr. Thomas C. Brauer

“I see the Anglican Community of St. Mark as a spearhead missional community for individuals and parishes who are dedicated and willing to pioneer the proclamation of the gospel (Mark 1:15), in New Zealand in 2021 and beyond, and to share these discoveries with each other and the wider church for mutual encouragement.”

— Rev. Lorraine Lloyd

“ACM offers much to the Anglican Church in Aotearoa NZ. I am excited to belong to a community passionate for the saving power of the gospel of Jesus and committed to empowering congregations, supporting clergy, inspiring mission, and developing church planting churches.”

— Dr. Penny Field

“I am an individual member of ACM and have found the encouragement and support invaluable. I have found common ground and language from which I enjoy great fellowship and understanding. My church has also become an affiliate member and it has given us a sense of legitimacy, recognition and protection within the ACANZ”

— Rev. Fraser McDermott

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