Who We Are
Our vision is to see the revitalization of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia through effective evangelism, discipleship, training and church planting. We want to call the Church back to its historic roots of Worship, Sacrament and classical biblical orthodoxy, and to join in the proclamation of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world.
We have been described as a kind of ‘instrument of unity’ in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia (ACANZP). A growing community of Gospel–focused, Jesus-centred, mission-minded New Zealand Anglicans, we have joined together to build our place within the ACANZP. We believe together we are stronger and will have a greater effect within ACANZP as we have a focused voice in Dioceses and Synods alike.
We currently represent 1,300 individual Anglican Christians and 9 Parishes across New Zealand from Auckland to Dunedin.
Leadership & Ordination
The Church rises or falls on the quality of its Leadership. Therefore, we are developing a leadership pathway towards Anglican ordination (holy orders) which will be recognized within ACANZP and the wider Anglican Communion.
What is a Christian Community?
In 2018, General Synod/Te Hīnota Whānui (GSTHW) agreed and passed Title B Canon XXXVIII. This made positive provision and encouraged the creation of ‘Christian Communities’. The purpose of such Christian Communities is to be a place to celebrate and protect the theological integrity of any particular stream of Anglicanism, both as parishes and individuals.
Our Mission
“The time has come”, he said, “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” – Mark 1:15
Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. – Mark 16:15
The Anglican Community of St Mark
In 2019 The Anglican Community of St Mark (ACM) was birthed as a ‘Christian Community’. It was originally curated by AFFIRM (Anglicans For Faith Renewal and Mission) to help unite under one banner the historically orthodox stream of ACANZP and to create a structure through which a united voice may be heard. ACM now stands in its own right as a recognised body of Anglicans who wish to celebrate the historic Anglican view of the gospel. Its constitution was approved by the Standing Committee of GSTHW and therefore has recognised standing within the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia (ACANZP).
We have called ourselves the Anglican Community of St. Mark for the following reasons:
- As noted in the text above Jesus came proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom.
- Mark’s gospel has been widely accepted as the earliest of the Canonical Gospels emphasising our desire to get back to our historical gospel foundations.
- The first mark of mission in the Constitution of ACANZP is the proclamation of the gospel. This is our major focus while not neglecting the other three.
Our Objectives
- To promote the saving grace of Jesus Christ through effective disciple making and Kingdom-enlarging communities; and
- To provide its affiliates and members with:
- Protection of their Anglican theological convictions
- Episcopal support and advocacy where necessary
- Clerical and lay leadership
- A pathway to Holy Orders for individual members.
Four things that shape our life and ministry:
Biblically founded Christian doctrine
Four-fold mission statement
ACM embraces the four-fold mission statement contained within the Constitution of the ACANZ. Namely:
- Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
- teaching, baptising and nurturing believers within eucharistic communities of faith,
- responding to human need by loving service
- seeking to transform unjust structures of society, caring for God’s creation, and establishing the values of the Kingdom.
We are committed to finding ways of proclamation that are respectful (1 Peter 3: 15) while proclaiming the unique hope that is found in Jesus Christ, Lord of all.
The three Tikanga nature of our Church
A positive influence in the ACANZP
1. Affiliation and membership
Canon 38 allows an affiliated Ministry Unit to keep its assets within its Diocese under its Diocesan Bishop while at the same time relating to a supportive network of like-minded people including the support and advocacy of a like-minded Bishop.
A Ministry Unit may affiliate with the Community by the resolution of a duly constituted congregational meeting provided that the decision is passed by two-thirds majority. Individuals may also join by application to the Standing Committee of the ACM.
No clergy shall be licensed to lead an affiliated Ministry Unit unless he or she is a member, or otherwise subscribes to the beliefs and discipline of the Community.
Currently the Ministry Units that have joined the ACM are:
- Church of the Saviour (Blockhouse Bay, Auckland)
- St Elizabeth’s (Clendon, Auckland)
- St Matthew’s Anglican Church (Dunedin)
- St Mary’s Anglican Church (Gordonton, Waikato)
- St Margaret’s (Hillsborough, Auckland)
- St Peter’s Anglican Church (Katikati)
- St Mark’s Anglican Church (Nawton, Hamilton)
- Anglican Church Sumner/Redcliffs (Christchurch)
- Holy Trinity Anglican Church (Tauranga)
Tirau Community Church
Lynfield Community Church
2. Spiritual leadership
The role of the Protector Bishop is to support and advocate for the affiliates and members of the Community.
The spiritual leader of the ACM is a Protector Bishop. In matters of discipline involving the Diocesan Bishop the Protector shall act as advocate and supporter.
The spiritual leader of the ACM is a Protector Bishop. In the inaugural meeting of the Christian Community in 2019 the Bishop of Nelson, Steve -Maina, accepted the position of Protector Bishop of the Christian Community. The role of the Protector Bishop is to support and advocate for the affiliates and members of the community-
In matters of discipline involving the Diocesan Bishop the Protector shall act as advocate and supporter.
3. The Anglican Community of St. Mark support
The ACM will provide a network for support for personal ministry, prayer, scholarship and ongoing training and encouragement.
4. Convocation and representation
An annual Convocation of ACM consists of equal clerical and lay representation from each affiliate and provides for the representation of individual members. The Convocation elects the Standing Committee, establishes an annual budget and sets an annual contribution for each affiliated Member Unit and individual member.
Current Membership of Standing Committee:
- Rev Fraser McDermott, (Chair) St Margaret’s Hillsborough (Clergy)
- Rev Claude Fong-Toy (St Elisabeth, Clendon, Akld (Clergy)
- Rev Harry Newton (Sumner-Redcliffs, ChCh (Clergy)
- Rev Francis Noordanus (St Matthew’s, Dunedin (Clergy)
- Rev Lucy Flatt (Individual Member (Clergy)
- Capt. Peter Lloyd (Founding Member (lay)
- Dr Penny Field (St Matthew’s Dunedin (lay)
- Mrs Lynsie Samson (Church of the Saviour, Blockhouse Bay, Akld (lay)
- Capt. Monika Clark (Individual Member, lay)
- Bishop Steve Maina (Bishop of Nelson, Protector (ex-officio)
- Jeba Jebamony, Treasurer (lay, non-attending)
- Rev Dr Dale Williamson (minute Secretary, co-opted)
- Rev Paul Williamson (ACM National Network Coordinator – in attendance)
5. The relationship between the ACM and the Diocese
Any Ministry Unit or individual who is part of ACM is part of their normal Diocese. We still pay our quota, attend Synod and relate as normal to the rest of the Diocese. The only difference regarding the Diocese is that we have made a clear statement on what the theological position of the parish is, and we have been promised that, this position is protected and represented by those who carry responsibility and power in the Church. The Diocesan Bishop still holds the Parish as part of his or her Diocese and visits the Parish as normal.
6. The benefits provided to Ministry Units belonging to the ACM
- The theological position of the parish is protected. No one can be appointed as the new vicar who does not hold this position.
- It provides a pathway to Holy Orders for individual members.
- It provides the Ministry Unit with an advocate if any dispute were to arise between the Diocese and the Ministry Unit.
- It provides an opportunity for like-minded Ministry Units/individuals across the country to come together to pray, offer support and training, and to develop new mission initiatives and resources to improve our call and mandate for discipleship and mission.